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.:: ThE FiFTh AvenuE CaFé ::.

                                                      -- since 1984 --

Saturday, July 29, 2006

perfect imperfection ...

~ Here you go peeps .. an insight into my recent escapade to the beach ... hihihihi .. a quick shoutout to the Mel: wat cha think dude? am i ready yet to take u on a photography challenge? i say bring it on man ... LOL .. and remember, there'll be plenty more to come .. wakakakakkaa .. enjoy eh .. hev a good one ... me out now ~ cheers

~ if life has a pattern, i guess it'll resemble something like this ~

~ how do i get there without getting myself wet .... ??? ~

~ a closer look at the beach: where the water meets the land ~

~ darn it! i totally forgot wat's the name of this beach ... $%&* ~

~ i still forgot .. sighs .. btw tat guy is definitely invading the privacy of those geese ~

~ i must say i am very delighted with the result of this pixie .. tat's me being an artsie LOL ~

~ these days parents can be very careless .. sighs ~

~ learn to live life like that floating bottle ... hihihi ~

~ apparently they are not the only one ... blame da advertising dept ~

~ wat a beautiful world we live in .. ^^ ~

~ where does the water meet the sky, i wonder ... ~

~ an abandoned castle .. shall we? ~

~ some *healthy* supper to close the nite .. woohooo ~

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

beneath a square moon ...

~ Yes, it's monday .. *PPFFTTTTTT...!!!* the day all we employees do not look forward to .. well, this may be a wrong generalization but at least, it certainly applies to me .. sighs .. but on the other hand, i am glad that i still have a job to drag my arse to each and every morning ... ^^ .. hihihi .. Last nite, i finally had some excellent slumber time ... wakakakakakakaa ... i am pretty sure i almost slept the whole straight 10 hours .. went to bed at 9 and the rest of my nite was history ... LOL .. however despite the excessive sleeping i had, my body was still aching and my head was a lil dizzy when i got off bed in the morning .. i guess there's no such thing as enough when it comes to sleeping .. or perhaps i just had too much .. LOL .. apparently i was wasted from all the crazy, fun-packed walking i've been doing these past weekends .. but it was definitely so worth it .. woohoooooo *end of monday's write-up* ~

~ Today is wednesday, which means tat there are 2 more days til friday .. well, more like 3 but wat the heck .. i say we stick on the positive side of the street, shall we? hihihi .. first off, i would like to congratulate Rendy for landing his first official job yesterday .. keep up the hard work dude n u'll be fine man .. hehehe .. n dun forget the durian party u promised a'ite .. yihhaaaaaa .. ^^ .. moving on now .. got an email from Quenton back in KL .. i am glad tat he still managed to reply my email given his hectic conditions over there .. so shenks man *if u r reading this* .. i sincerely hope tat everything will start to settle down in the near future for ya .. n have no worries .. things are always like tat when u begin a new start on a new land .. be patient k hommie .. hehehhee .. u'll be just fine .. n please get well soon .. i cant wait for ur version of the oyster tragedy .. wakakkakakaka .. tell me all about it when u can find the time a'ite .. hihihihii ~

~ Into the third day of the work week n my boss is not around to grab me by the neck .. HALLELUJAH!! wakakakaka .. i feel like writing since monday but couldnt finish it up tat's why tat piece of blurb is hanging up there .. LOL .. i tot why waste my creativity .. might as well stick it on .. hehehehehe .. FYI, i havent lost my mind yet peeps .. well, almost but nahhh .. hihihihihi .. oh yeah, Kebho replied my email too .. i was like "IS THIS SHIT FOR REAL?!?!?!" ... coz i know emails are dead to him .. aint this rite brudder? wakakakaka .. i dunno bout y'all but i like emails .. to me, exchanging emails wif long-distance old friends is cool .. hohohoho .. plus it is inexpensive .. *tat's rite .. i am guilty of being such a cheapo* .. LOL .. eniweis he is still him in the many unique ways tat he is .. why? bcoz he'll always be merry no matter what .. situations can be like shit but inside he is a free man .. keep it tat way bro, will ya? .. ^^ .. he also managed to sneak it some words of wisdom for me in his email .. he wrote: "... work can be either a full of shite or lots of fun.... but hey, sometimes we can still have fun playin with shits ..." .. waakakakkakaa .. shenks for tat man .. so in exchange, i will put on this record especially for ya .. check it out n i bet those notoriously infamous pretty lips will start pulling up ur face .. wakakkakakakakkaa .. tell me if i am wrong .. n if, if, if tat doesnt do it, try this .. close ur eyes and lose urself in timeless spaces back to those boarding school days .. see urself strumming tat poor guitar, playing this song while singing ur lungs out to the chorus .. LOL .. i can still remember it bro .. wakakakakakaka .. i wish i had my cam back then .. it'll be priceless, simply pricelesss ... just like our friendship .. in fact, all of my friendships .. hihihihihi .. aighhh, what the heck .. this song goes out to u all then .. wakakakkakaka .. enjoy k .. a'ite then .. i guess i better get something done here before HE comes back n ... fill in the rest urself peeps .. LOL .. tekker n hev a great one .. me out now ~ cheers

Thursday, July 20, 2006

from canton with love .. LOL

~ Been anxious about composing my next posting but had troubles finding my own topics lately .. and here i am sitting on my office seat, staring into the monitor screen (like always), and reading an email from - let's just say - an old friend of mine .. wakakakakkaa .. as soon as tat msn mail alert came on, i was excited ... wooohooooo .. Being the curious george that i am, i was looking forward to his latest life updates and so i decided to send him a friendly email this morning .. it's been a while since we wrote each other .. and i tot he was busy with the job hunting ... surprisingly, he is NOT ... LOL .. anyways, he is doing pretty good down there in his colonies .. wakakkakakaka .. as usual, he always starts his emails with something, anything, that is soo hilarious .. i couldnt help but burst out laughing right in the middle of the office among my colleagues ... Ooopssss .. and those freaked-out/confused faces converge toward the center of the commotion, that is, me .. wakakakakkaa .. oh gosh, wat an afternoon .. hihihi .. all shenks to the joker for his stress-free email .. LOL .. i miss him tho .. he can be annoying at times .. but hey, we all can be a pretty good pain in the ass from time to time .. wakakakaa .. eniweis, good luck with ur "accidental mission" mate .. let me know the outcome k .. LOL ~

~ When i come to think of it again, maybe i should have known today is going to be somewhat wacky and different .. as per this morning, i yet again ran into another shocking incident in - guess what - the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission or sumthing like tat) bus ... so here's how it went down .. i was listening to Oasis in my earphones while sitting on one of the left window seats on the bus .. my eyes and mind were fully hooked on this new book tat i got .. btw loved it alot man .. ^^ .. maybe i'll tell u lads about it once i finished reading it k .. hihihihii .. anyways, there i was enjoying my long morning ride to work when the bus pulled to a smooth stop to pick up/drop off some passengers at one of the busy intersections .. out of a sudden, i heard this hard knock on the floor ... i thought it must some heavy bag dropped by some auntie or uncle or kid or u name it, we have it lah .. wakakakkakaa .. i couldnt see it properly at that time for it happened during the rush hour period when the clean oxygen begins to run out within as we, passengers, turn to potatoes in a sack .. sighs .. but tat's not the point here .. after a second or two, people started making some space right in the middle of the bus where a young female body lies passed out across the floor ... i was so close that i could vividly see her eyes rolling up ... "We have an emergency here! Excuse me!" said a lady .. i didnt know what to do .. i wanted to help her but i froze ... i was indeed in a state of shock .. "Leave her alone and dont touch her! She's passed out. But she's gonna be okay soon. Dont worry. ... It happens to me too sometimes." said a caucasian female passenger who came out of nowhere ... and she was right. The girl recovered less than 10 seconds later .. and apparently she didnt realize she dropped unconscious ... she sat down then the bus driver came up to her, making sure she was fine .. everybody was just staring and not doing anything during the entire incident .. sighs .. tat is so sad man .. more than anything, i am especially disappointed with myself .. i should have done something .. anything! sighs .. but wat's done is done .. today is such an interesting day tho .. oh yeah, tonite i am going for this cruise trip organized by my company .. hihihihi .. i am excited and i hope it can live up to my expectations .. yeah yeah yeah .. 4 more hours to go and i'll be cruising away .. wakakakakaka .. anyone care to join? LOL .. in the mean time, i can continue pondering on that last remark made by the lady hero-of-the-day: "It happens to me too sometimes" .. o_0 .. hev a good one peeps .. me out now ~ cheers

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

take a train in my head

~ Gosh, this song brings back so many great memories of school in the Lion City .. hahahaha .. i wish i can turn back time ... i wish i can fly .. enjoy peeps ~ cheers

Saturday, July 08, 2006


~ For KebHo .. i finally managed to complete it dude .. LOL ~ cheers

4 Jobs I would SUCK at:
Customer Service Support
Anything to do with sales (i suck BIG time at this)
Model (DUUHHH!!!!!)

4 Nicknames I'll go with:
Inu/Bonu (Family)
Babi (High school friends)
Beruang Kutub/Polar Bear (University friends)
Ray (don't even think about it!)

4 Movies I can watch over and over:
The Terminal
Jurassic Park 1 / Jumanji (can't decide)
Janji Joni
Love Actually

4 Things I love to do on weekend:
Catch a movie
Hanging out with friends

4 Alcoholic Beverages I enjoy from time to time:
Tasted a few but some forgotten, some never even asked
(Yo, dun look at me like tat! i was D-r-u-n-k!)

4 Places I would like to go before I pass out:
Venice (and alot more)

4 Celebrities I would go for a date with:
Kate Beckinsale
Giada De Laurentiis (who is she? check urself)
Charlize Theron
Jessica Alba (am i still in the running here?!?!?)

4 Objects I could not live without:
My pay cheque (come on now)
Cellphone (tho i dont use it too much)
My cap
My only pair of walking shoes

4 Things I do not have which I would like to have:
My work permit extension
More money (the obvious)
A new cap
An international driving license

4 People tagged to do this:
Anyone who is interested in killing their time (like me)
The auntie sampling chinese snacks at T&T (?!?!?!)

Monday, July 03, 2006

5 bola kehidupan

Bayangkan hidup sebagai suatu permainan ketangkasan, dimana kita harus memainkan keseimbangan 5 buah bola yang dilempar ke udara. Bola-bola tersebut bernama: Pekerjaan, Keluarga, Kesehatan, Teman dan Spirit. Kita harus menjaga agar ke-5 bola ini seimbang di udara. Kita akan segera mengerti bahwa ternyata "Pekerjaan" hanyalah sebuah bola karet. Jika kita menjatuhkannya maka ia akan dapat memantul kembali. Tetapi empat bola lainnya yaitu: Keluarga, Kesehatan, Teman, dan Spirit, terbuat dari gelas. Dan jika kita menjatuhkan salah satunya maka ia akan dapat terluka, tertandai, tergores, rusak atau bahkan hancur berkeping-keping. Dan ingatlah, mereka tidak akan pernah kembali seperti aslinya.

Kita harus memahaminya benar dan berusaha keras untuk menyeimbangkannya. Bagaimana caranya?

  1. Jangan rusak nilai kita dengan membandingkannya dengan nilai orang lain. Perbedaan yang ada diciptakan untuk membuat masing-masing diri kita special.

  2. Jangan menganggap remeh sesuatu yang dekat di hati kita, melekatlah padanya seakan-akan ia adalah bagian yang membuat kita hidup, dimana tanpanya, hidup menjadi kurang berarti.

  3. Jangan biarkan hidup kita terpuruk di 'masa lampau' atau dalam mimpi masa depan. Satu hari hidup pada suatu waktu berarti hidup untuk seluruh waktu hidupmu.

  4. Jangan menyerah ketika masih ada sesuatu yang dapat kita berikan. Tidak ada yang benar-benar kalah sampai kita berhenti berusaha.

  5. Janganlah takut mengakui bahwa diri kita tidaklah sempurna. Ketidaksempurnaan inilah yang merupakan sulaman benang rapuh untuk mengikat kita satu sama lain.

  6. Jangan takut menghadapi resiko. Anggaplah resiko sebagai kesempatan kita untuk belajar bagaimana menjadi berani.

  7. Jangan berusaha untuk mengunci cinta dalam hidupmu dengan berkata "tidak mungkin saya temukan". Cara tercepat untuk mendapatkan cinta adalah dengan memberinya, cara tercepat untuk kehilangan cinta adalah dengan menggenggamnya sekencang mungkin, dan cara terbaik untuk menjaga agar cinta tetap tumbuh adalah dengan memberinya 'sayap'.

  8. Jangan lupa bahwa kebutuhan emosi terbesar dari seseorang adalah kebutuhan untuk merasa dihargai.

  9. Jangan takut untuk belajar sesuatu. Ilmu pengetahuan adalah harta karun yang selalu dapat kita bawa kemanapun tanpa membebani.

Dan akhirnya ...

dan SAAT INI adalah KARUNIA.

Itulah kenapa dalam bahasa Inggris, saat ini disebut "The Present".