X O X O X O ...
wow. here i am. at home at last. pheeeewwwww. miss me or miss me not? hahaha. things are slowly beginning to return to normal here in jakarta. the city is still recovering from the aftermath of the recent serious weather conditions, which i am sure you guys had read or heard of lately. if not, then read between the lines again. LOL. anyways i wouldnt wanna waste my time over the disastrous phenomenon (note: that's what the government referred it to. and that's what i call some serious bullshit!) *crap!!* how sad yet how true. sighs. now let's move on. been spending my time mostly at home, relaxing. just taking the time of my life if that's what you wanna call it. hahahaha. i can see new malls around the city but the rest still remains indifferent for the most parts. especially the food. they are still as good as they were ten years back. and i am sure they will always be :) on top of that, the long awaited family reunion finally materialized. it's definitely good to be back! woooohooooooo. anyways i just wanna say happy valentine's day to my family and friends wherever they are. wishing you guys a super lovely day and thank you for being the world to me! without you peeps, i am nothing =) aite then. im gonna sign off quick. have a good one y'all! lots of hugs n kisses. me out now. Cheers.
Happy Valentine's Day too!
So, you got flood, we got SNOW!!!!!
it's terrible here... gosh.. on valentine's day we got more and more snow... enough to make dozens of snowman... GTA is a mess now...
[In the news:
The worst mishap took place late Tuesday night on Highway 403 in Ancaster. A 40-car pile-up involving three tractor-trailers.
"In total there's just over 600 accidents since 6pm last night," confirms OPP Cst. Linda Dean.]
what the world needs now is love... not snow.
Anonymous, at February 15, 2007 2:08 AM
happy v day juga noe!
have a great one...
akirnya klaur juga loe yah hieheiheihe
Anonymous, at February 15, 2007 2:12 AM
hey... good to hear from ya again dude... Happy Valentine's Day jg deh... have ye di jkt...
Herrotzky, at February 15, 2007 7:19 AM
:efumi-gorenk ++
hahahahahhaa. thats why i know God is fair in every way imaginable! LOL. more rain is sure to pour down here in jakarta tonite. and tonite's CNY's eve! eat, eat, eat! its time to feast my stomach. wakakakakaka. anyways what were u up to on v-day (read: besides doing ur study chores)? hihihihi. any dates or dinner? anyways be extra careful out there mate. Cheers.
:nh ++
hihihi. sori neh telat. but i bet u know why lah yah. hehehehe. btw hows ur valentines day? special or extra special? Cheers.
:herrotzky ++
wow. its been a while dude. i hope things are sailing smooth for ya. hihihi. btw heard tat u are back in jakarta for CNY?!?! i need to find ur phone number quick neh. hihihi. Cheers.
inoedoshi, at February 17, 2007 4:38 PM
moahahaha... yep2... me malahan di jkt neh sekarang... moahhaha... my contact number masi seperti nyang lama... hahahaha... 021-639xxxx or 0811-xxxxxx hauhauhuahua... cobain aje satu2... hihihii...
Herrotzky, at February 17, 2007 10:24 PM
bujubuneng!#@$@^%#? ini toh nyang namanya penyiksaan tertinggi!! LOL. sadis ampe akhirat ketujuh noh. hahaha. ya udah ntar gw cobain atu2 dech. DANG%!@#%^&$ *nah kalo ini namanya wong geblek ketemu wong sadis! hihihi* Cheers.
inoedoshi, at February 20, 2007 5:05 PM
my valentine's day?
Mass dating @ Humber
Celebrating: Love of ocean liner shipping
Gift: Project marking scheme
Entertainment: Story telling for 2.50 hours
Sweet eh?!?!
Anonymous, at February 23, 2007 12:40 AM
Hahahhahaha. sorry mate for the very late reply. anyways u should be glad u had that day on the outside. i spent the whole day on the inside, under the roof of my home. u wanna trade? i bet not. Cheers.
inoedoshi, at February 28, 2007 12:06 PM
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