and so the story goes ...
how've my life been? lately it's been awful. i feel dreadful to say the least. well, unless your definition of getting sick reads the contrary. and be sure to let me know if it does. which i doubt it will. sighs. i must admit nasal congestion and dry cough have been my ultimate favourite combo when it comes to diseases. they are my worst nightmare. crap. and if you guess i rested during the weekend, guess what? you guessed wrong. hahahaha. i did not have a rest. i was at work making money trying to save as much as i can. well, the man has a plan, just like every other man. hohoho. i didn't feel right about calling in sick on such short notice although the truth is i did not have this sick plan set in mind ahead. hell no! i know they are short of hands during weekends and so i must fill in my duties. see how responsible a person i am. *i am one sick narcisist, aint i? LOL* anyways, apart from being under the weather, i guess everything else is okay. well, i hope so. i cant help but notice how unappreciative people can be. or we can be for this matter. at least tats how i felt spending my time at the resto. it makes me sad yet upset. well, more upset than sad if you ask me again. LOL. it's just so unfortunate that the so-called *friendship* we share at work doesn't extend beyond the workplace compound. it's not always a good thing anyways. sometimes i like to keep it just inside, and not outside. *unless you were friends before you work together, of course* too much bonding can be harmful. i, for one, doesnt really like to share my stuff with a lot of people. like to keep it small. coming back to my weekend *re-treat*, sometimes they even say "oh god, you guys are the best! you never complain and are always helpful." when they don't mean it at all. it was a fake and it deserves a fake return. hahahhaha. i gave it a happy smile and a thank you along. fake ones tat is. see how evil a person i am when a few lines above i was a responsible one. LOL. but i aint lying anybody. i aint no saint. neither is she. i am just being myself and she is just being herself. cant really blame anyone. we are all guilty of the crime. this makes me think how much of all the things we say we truly mean it? perhaps it's better to leave it untold. but i'll tell you this: at my resto, i find it hardly a question. it's a statement. everyone is there for a purpose and that is to make quick cash. so everything that happens within is fake or at least temporary. you are on your own and i am on my own. it's a sick world in there. but sadly tats how it is. or maybe i am just being harsh on everyone. me the sick jerk. hahahahhaa. but let me ask you this: would you rather have lots of friends who you hardly seem to know well at all since you have so many of them? or would you rather have a few trustworthy friends who you know will always stand by you no matter what? i feel so blessed that i'd rather pick the latter. i'll be damned if i dont. wakakakkakaa. well, i guess it's time for lunch now. later hommies. me out now. Cheers.
dugwh noe.. gw baur mo nanay org2.. elo ke mana? dah kayak di telan bumi. get well soon dude
work hard play hard :P
gw stuju juga mending punya limited hella-goodie.goodie-buddie tapi deket en share every alphabet from a to z; dari pada spread out tapi cuman tau nama and muka.
bubble, at November 22, 2006 1:45 PM
~ faking is what we do... play the game.. play it good... ~
Noodl3zz, at November 22, 2006 7:38 PM
:bubble ++
hahahhaa. tat'll be like as big as the BBC headlines yo. "inoe: eaten by earth?" LOL. man, the english version doesnt sound too catchy, innit? =( eniweis, i'm hanging on tite up here mate. no worries. a few more dose of *sanaflu/sanadryl* n i'll be back rawking the game. the faking game. yeeehaaaaaa. LOL. good luck with your preparations yo! Cheers.
:unimated ++
hey, u sounded so .. errr, true? hahaha. so are u the new reigning employee of da month yet? LOL. gotta play it smart bro, not hard. hihihi. btw u should go check out the new Bond flick!!!! it's one of the best movies this year. not like there are too many of 'em. LOL. but it's a good watch mate. yeah, spend those moolahs good. woohooo. btw are you going to stand by me no matter what dude? im all ears now. LOL.
inoedoshi, at November 22, 2006 9:43 PM
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