singapore + english = sing-lish
found this super hilarious clip @ youtube and i tot i should share it with all u peeps here. it's a recording of a lengthy conversation between a chinese customer and an indian dude working at some indian restaurant (read: we call it 'mamak stall' or 'coffee shop' back in singapore). for those who have little or no experience of the singaporean lifestyle, this clip may seem rather offensive and rude. but actually it is not since that's pretty much the way things are in the lion city. LOL. aite now. enjoy n remember: you've been warned! me out now. Cheers.
Anonymous, at January 29, 2007 9:50 AM
u know wat, my buddies n i are gonna check this 'mamak' place out later on. u in or what? LOL. Cheers.
inoedoshi, at January 29, 2007 10:14 AM
ini tuh beneran or acting yah...jail bener haeuheuhaeae...
Anonymous, at January 29, 2007 11:50 AM
not quite sure. the noise level in the background seems to be way too low for a mamak place; u should know wat i mean rite? LOL. but i dun care as long as it makes me laugh. hahahahahha. Cheers.
inoedoshi, at January 29, 2007 8:34 PM
~ perlu kita check nih bab... makanya cepetan pulang anjrit!
gile can u imagine if those guys were we? mana kuat lari!!!!!?!?!?! yang ada kita dijadiin sop tulang kebo pake minyak babi kli..... ~
Noodl3zz, at January 29, 2007 10:42 PM
man, kacow lar this one.
bubble, at January 30, 2007 7:53 AM
:unimated ++
mana ade minyak babi? they, rk house, never sef pok one u know. wakakakaka. lari?!?! maybe one day i will see the light of glory just like u had once. LOL. see u soon mate. Cheers.
:bubble ++
wakakaka. ember dude. this shit is kacow to the max! LOL. Cheers.
inoedoshi, at January 30, 2007 10:28 PM
dude, the video was removed from Youtube... due to terms violation....
Anonymous, at February 01, 2007 9:02 PM
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